Sharing a Hidden Track


When is a debut not a debut? Well, sometimes when an artist is signed to their first official record deal, they have previously released independent music out into the world, and often the first step in the signing process is to “pull down” any previous music from public access. Sometimes previously-released material is even changed, polished up a bit, and re-released with the label as a new-and-improved debut album.

Some of my long-time fans remember my REAL debut release…it was an album called You Don’t Know Me. You’d be hard-pressed to find a copy of that now, because it was taken off the market, sonically polished and re-packaged as my official label debut album When You Can Fly.

A couple of the songs on You Don’t Know Me ended up on the cutting room floor during the process, and this month I’m sharing one of my favorites with members of my Ko-fi club. Check it out here!

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